When videotaping (or photographs) of the participants are used to collect data, the proposed research cannot be considered Exempt . This is because the information is recorded in such a manner that participants can be identified.
Audiotapes may present the same risks unless care is taken to protect anonymity. If audiotapes are made to facilitate accurate record-keeping and will be erased following transcription, this should be stated in the consent form, and it should be stated how confidentiality will be protected. If the audiotapes are to be used for other purposes, they no longer fit into the Exempt category. Video and audiotapes can only be used for the purpose for which they were recorded without breach of confidentiality. Other uses require informed consent, signed by the participants.
Dr. Chris Waples, Director of Research Integrity and Compliance
Dr. Joan Blauwkamp, IRB Chair
Lynette Brown, Division of Research and Creative Activity Associate